B-IBI Results Map
B-IBI Results Table
About the B-IBI Scoring System
B-IBI Scoring Types
The Scoring Process Step-By-Step
Taxa Mapping
Benthic Taxa Attributes
Fine Sediment Sensitivity Index
Hilsenhoff Biotic Tolerance Index
Metals Tolerance Index
Standard Taxonomic Effort
Taxa Excluded from Scoring
Monitoring Projects
Adopt-A-Stream Foundation
Jim Creek BIBI Study
City of Bainbridge Island
Water Quality and Flow Monitoring Program
City of Bellevue
Macroinvertebrates in Bellevue creeks
City of Bellingham
Annual Macroinvertebrate Monitoring Program
Miscellaneous Macroinvertebrate Monitoring
Whatcom Creek Long-term Restoration Project
City of Bothell
City of Bothell Bioassessment Survey
City of Everett
Ambient Monitoring
City of Federal Way
Macroinvertebrate Sampling Program
City of Issaquah
Aquatic Resources Monitoring Program
City of Kirkland
Benthic Invertebrate Monitoring
City of Lake Forest Park
Lake Forest Park Benthic Invertebrates
City of Olympia
City of Olympia Stream Team Macros
City of Redmond
2016 Status and Trends
Annual Benthic Monitoring Program
Annual Benthos Monitoring: 2016 - Ongoing
Annual Benthos Monitoring: 2018
City of Redmond Annual Benthic Monitoring
City of Redmond Status and Trends
Redmond Paired Watershed Study
City of Sammamish
Ebright Creek Macroinvertebrate Inventory
Water Quality Expansion
City of Seattle
Project Evaluation
Status & Trends
City of Shoreline
Biological Assessment of Shoreline Streams
City of Tumwater
City of Tumwater Macroinvertebrate Sampling
Clallam County
NatureBridge Biomonitoring
Quileute Tribe monitoring
Streamkeepers Ambient Monitoring
Tetra Tech WRIA 19 B-IBI Sampling
WSU Cooperative Extension of Clallam County Eight Streams Pr…
Clark County Clean Water Division
Clark County Assessment of Wadeable Streams
Lower Columbia Urban Streams
Environmental Protection Agency
EPA Region 10, Office of Environmental Assessment Office, Aq…
Hoh Indian Tribe
Hoh Tribe Monitoring Project
King County - DNRP
Ambient Monitoring
B-IBI Recalibration
Bear Creek Basin Plan
Biosolids Monitoring
Boise Creek Ambient
Des Moines Creek Habitat Enhancements, Phase 3
Des Moines Creek Water Quality Monitoring Program
King County Pre-2002
Lower Boise Creek
Mercer Island
Miller-Walker Stewardship
Puget Sound Rivers
Regulatory Effectiveness
Restoration and Protection of Select B-IBI Basins - Ecology …
Restoration and Protection of Select B-IBI Basins - King Cou…
Restoration Priorities
Stormwater Retrofit
Weiss Ck Macroinvertebrates
WRIA 08 Wadable Streams Survey
King County - Roads
ESA Water Quality / Macroinvertebrate
Macroinvertebrate CIP Support
Kitsap County
KC SSWM Benthic Macroinvertebrate Biological Monitoring Prog…
Kitsap County Stream Team Benthic Invertebrate Monitoring
Navy's Envvest Benthic Monitoring in Kitsap
Project Effectiveness
Watershed Health Monitoring
Pierce County
NPDES 2015 Pierce County Watershed Health Monitoring
Pierce County Raise the Grade Program
Pierce County Watershed Health Monitoring (from 2016)
Puyallup Tribe of Indians
Status and Trends
Skokomish Tribal Nation
Skokomish River Basin Benthic Invertebrates
Sno-King Watershed Council
Sno-King Watershed Council benthic macroinvertebrate analysi…
Snohomish County
Critical Area Regulations Monitoring Program
Project Specific
Snohomish County State of our Waters Monitoring
Snoqualmie Tribe
Kimball Creek Water Quality Improvement Project
Unnamed Tributary to Lower Tolt River 2022
Zackuse Creek 2022
Stillaguamish Tribe
Tribal Surface Water Quality
Swinomish Indian Tribal Community
Swinomish Indian Tribal Community Stream Bioassessment Monit…
The Tulalip Tribes
Tulalip Tribes Watershed Health Stream Monitoring
West Fork Quilceda Water Quality Monitoring
Thurston County
Environmental Health Macro Monitoring
Thurston County Benthic Macroinvertebrate Monitoring
University of Washington
Bill Kleindl's Thesis Data
Boeing Creek - Hidden Lake Dam Removal Biomonitoring
Vashon Nature Center
Vashon Benthic Macroinvertebrate Sampling
Washington State Department of Ecology
A Long-Term Monitoring Plan to Assess Aquatic Life Uses on R…
Ambient Freshwater Biological Monitoring Program
Ambient Macroinvertebrate Monitoring
Boundary Creek Macroinvertebrate Monitoring
Chehalis River early action reach bioassessment
Chehalis River Early Action Reaches
Clover Creek TMDL Biomonitoring Study
Effectiveness Monitoring for the Deschutes River TMDL Project
Effectiveness Monitoring of Agricultural Tillage Practices o…
EPA sites
Hangman Creek Habitat Assessment
Henderson Inlet Effectiveness Monitroing Study
Monitoring the Effectiveness of Best Management Practices on…
Muckleshoot Macroinvertebrate Monitoring
Newaukum River Effectiveness Monitoring
Pilot Study: Monitoring the Effectiveness of Pollution Contr…
Puget Lowland Ecoregion Streams - City of Redmond Stormwater
Puget Lowland Ecoregion Streams - Pierce County Stormwater
Regional Stormwater Monitoring Program Puget Lowland Ecoregi…
Soos & Squalicum TMDL studies
Status and Trends WA Statewide Sentinel Site Monitoring
Stormwater Action Monitoring for Puget Small Streams
TMDL Biological Monitoring of Soos Creek watershed
Watershed Health data for Monitoring the Effectiveness of Po…
Watershed Health Monitoring
Watershed Health Monitoring post 2020
Whidbey Watershed Stewards
Watershed Ambient Monitoring
Wild Fish Conservancy
NF Tolt Benthic Sites Above Anadromy
Weiss Ck Macroinvertebrates
About Us
Site Map
Puget Sound Stream Benthos
Biosolids Monitoring Project, King County - DNRP
Biosolids, the nutrient-rich solid or semi-solid by-product of wastewater treatment, have been used as a soil amendment to promote tree growth in Hancock’s Snoqualmie Forest and the Marckworth Forest since 1987. A benthic macroinvertebrate monitoring program that included annual collection of macroinvertebrate samples was developed to evaluate biotic integrity of streams in these forest areas. Benthic macroinvertebrate sampling was conducted annually between the last week of August and the second week of October at up to ten sites on seven streams from 1996 to 2006.
Macroinvertebrates were collected following the recommended sampling protocols outlined by Karr and Chu (1999) and summarized here. At each location, a Surber sampler (500 micron mesh, 1 sq ft frame) was used to collect three replicate samples along the midline of a single riffle starting first with the downstream end, then the middle, and finally near the upstream end. All large materials (e.g., large gravel and large wood) within the sampling area were scrubbed by hand and examined before being placed downstream. A “weed tool” was used to vigorously agitate the substrate within the perimeter of the frame to a depth of approximately 10 cm, for 60 seconds. Each sample was condensed and transferred to a sample container and preserved in the field with 90-95% ethanol (EtOH). Samples were then sent to a private lab for taxonomic identification. Each sample was processed and taxonomically identified separately without compositing. Chironomids were identified to family level; other taxa were identified to the lowest practical level.
Contact: Jo Wilhelm, King County DNRP, jo.wilhelm@kingcounty.gov, 206.477.4849